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What Is Laser Skin Resurfacing?

Laser skin resurfacing is a cosmetic procedure performed to improve the texture, firmness, and tone of the facial skin. This treatment can be used to treat a variety of cosmetic skin issues, including fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, sun damage, and uneven skin tone.

How Does Laser Skin Resurfacing Work?

Laser skin resurfacing works by delivering short, concentrated beams of pulsating light to the targeted skin. These lasers precisely remove the outer layers of the skin and heat the underlying layer, which is called the dermis. This process eliminates the damaged surface of the skin, allowing the smoother, healthier skin beneath to appear. The heat produced by the light also stimulated increased collagen production, which gradually causes the skin to become firmer and healthier.

Benefits of Laser Skin Resurfacing

If you’re looking to rejuvenate your facial skin, laser skin resurfacing can provide some or all of the following benefits:

  • Creates firmer, more youthful-looking skin
  • Reduces signs of aging skin such as fine lines and wrinkles
  • Treats cosmetic skin issues like sun damage and acne scars
  • Evens out the skin tone
  • Stimulates increased collagen production
  • Minimally invasive procedure
  • Increased self-confidence
  • Minimal recovery downtime
  • Long-lasting results

What Should I Expect During the Procedure?

Before you undergo our laser skin resurfacing in Scottsdale, the first step will be a consultation with Dr. Repta. During this meeting, he’ll talk with you about the treatment and answer all of your questions. The doctor will want to know about your specific aesthetic goals, and he’ll use that information to create a custom-tailored treatment plan.

To begin, you’ll be administered local anesthesia to numb the treatment area, and you may also be given protective glasses to shield your eyes from the lasers. Dr. Repta will then use the laser skin resurfacing device to deliver beams of light to your skin. It typically takes between 30 and 45 minutes to treat one area of your face or between 90 minutes and two hours to treat your entire face. You should be able to return home immediately after the procedure is finished.

How Long Is the Recovery Time?

The recovery time required for your laser skin resurfacing treatment will depend on the extent of your procedure. Most patients can return to work and resume their normal routines in around two to three days. Additionally, it’s important to avoid strenuous exercise, direct sunlight, and alcohol for at least 48 hours.

Am I a Candidate for Laser Skin Resurfacing?

Adults who would like to achieve smoother, healthier facial skin could be good candidates for laser skin resurfacing. Ideal candidates for the treatment should:

  • Be in generally good physical health
  • Have the desire to achieve smoother, more youthful-looking skin
  • Have the desire to be rid of fine lines, wrinkles, and/or other cosmetic skin issues
  • Have realistic expectations for the treatment
  • Have no active acne breakouts or skin infections near the treatment area
  • Not have a very dark skin tone
  • Not be currently pregnant or nursing

How Long Will It Take To See Results After Laser Skin Resurfacing?

The results of your laser skin resurfacing treatment should appear gradually, and it often takes a few weeks to see significant effects. As your body gradually starts to produce more collagen, it can take between three and six months before you see the final results of the procedure, which can last for several years.

Repta Plastic Surgery

Dr. Remus Repta

Why Choose Dr. Repta for Laser Skin Resurfacing?

Dr. Remus Repta is a highly talented and experienced plastic surgeon who takes pride in getting to know his patients and helping them achieve their cosmetic goals. Dr. Repta and his team always focus on achieving exceptional, natural-looking results for every patient. At our clinic, we have the most advanced aesthetic techniques and technology at our disposal, and we believe in compassionate, personalized care. If you’d like to learn more or schedule a consultation, simply contact our office today.

Your Private Consultation

To schedule your private consultation, please call our office today at 855 377 3782 or click either the in-office or virtual consult button below.

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As a board-certified cosmetic surgeon with a degree in biology and psychology, Dr. Repta is among the best plastic surgeons in Scottsdale, delivering transformative results to patients from around the country.

If you are considering facial plastic surgery and want beautiful, natural looking results, Dr. Repta is your doctor of choice. Additionally, his warm and caring staff make the entire experience safe and comfortable for each and every patient.

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